HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 6 (2023)


Emmanuel Firmo

Discipline: Education



The study focuses on the case of female senior high school gang members of T. National Agricultural School. The study involved eight (8) identified participants using Snowball sampling. Inductive Thematic Analysis was used in the study to analyze responses from the participants. The research aims to understand why female senior high school students join gangs, how their membership affects their lives, and the valuable lessons they get from the experience. With the use of thematic analysis, three themes were generated, namely: (1) Reasons for Joining a Gang, (2) Effects of Joining a Gang, and (3) Life Lessons and Reflections. Theme 1 generated two (2) sub-themes, which are: "peer influence and peer pressure" and "lack of psychosocial and emotional support from family." For theme 2, the following two (2) sub-themes were generated: "distraction to studies" and "putting life in danger." Lastly, for theme 3, generated one (1) sub-theme, which is "learning it the hard way." It is highly recommended that schools, community leaders, and parents work hand-in-hand in solving societal issues such as the involvement of female students in gang-related activities, which lead them to a disadvantageous situation in their lives and studies.


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