Protected Students and Abused Teachers: A Multiple Case Study
Ailyn Luzano
Discipline: Education
After the implementation of Child Protection Policy, in today’s school, corporal punishments no
longer occur. Students felt necessity to push teachers to the edge. Students found fulfillment in
challenging the teacher physically, mentally and socially. The purpose of this study was to explore
the experiences of the teachers as informants in relation to the implementation of Child Protection
Policy in their schools; to probe the effects of this policy to teachers in protecting the students and to
cite some suggestions of the informants for effective implementation of this policy. This study
utilized a qualitative multiple case study design in order to develop a rich description of the
participant’s experiences. Based on the findings, students bullied their teachers through displaying
terrible behavior in the class to get attention from other students in class that eventually distracted
them from focusing on the lesson and on the teacher. Students harmed teachers physically through
hitting, kicking and pushing them. Some teachers were verbally abused, intimidated and threatened
by their students leaving the teachers in severe stress and anxiety. One of the reasons of bullying
attitude of students was the upbringing at home. The parents and relatives should look out for
situations that might cause the children to act out. The parents and relatives should communicate their
concerns to teachers and school officials so that families and schools could work together to meet the
children’s needs and to encourage positive behavior. The school children need also civic leaders and
youth organization that may provide healthy activities to keep children involved and still be source of
pride in the society.
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