HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 8 (2023)


Warren Mancio

Discipline: Education



This research study examines the methods used by Filipino teachers in the Senior High School (SHS) system of the Manila School Division to improve their instructional leadership. It is a case study. The study intends to discuss how the educational landscape is changing and how effective leadership practices are necessary to help educators overcome the difficulties they confront in educating students in a world that is changing constantly. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative interviews, surveys, and classroom observations to gather comprehensive data. The participants include SHS teachers, school administrators, and educational policymakers within the Manila School Division. The study lists the approaches used in instructional leadership today and investigates how they affect methods of instruction, involvement of students, and general academic results. It also looks at the difficulties educators and administrators have when putting good instructional leadership techniques into practice. The Key findings highlight successful practices and interventions that contribute to improved instructional leadership. These may include professional development programs, mentorship initiatives, and collaborative learning communities. The research also investigates the role of technology in enhancing instructional leadership and its potential impact on student achievement. Additionally, the study explores cultural and contextual factors unique to the Filipino educational system that may influence the effectiveness of instructional leadership initiatives. It considers the importance of aligning leadership practices with the cultural values and expectations of teachers and students. The research's findings are intended to guide educational policies and practices in the Manila School Division and provide a template for other educational establishments dealing with related issues. The results add to the continuing conversation about instructional leadership in the context of senior high school education in the Philippines by providing information that can direct the creation of long-lasting and culturally appropriate teaching aids that assist educators in promoting the academic achievement of their students.


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