Aida Monterozo
Discipline: Education
The current study aimed to better understand the correlation of emotional states and psychological
well-being among children- in-conflict-with-the-law. Participants were 71 children-in-conflict-withthe-law detained at Manila Youth Reception Center. This study utilized correlation research design.
They have completed a battery of tests that are highly reliable and valid examining the socioeducational profile such as length of stay, educational level and family structure, their emotional
states (depression, anxiety & stress) and the components of Ryff’s psychological well-being.
Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and rank were used to
determine the level of desired constructs. Since the data is non- linear, the non-parametric testSpearman rho rank was used to determine the degree and significant relationship between variables
under study. Data analysis revealed that children in conflict with the law have mild, stress, moderate
depression and severe anxiety. Correlational analysis shows that psychological well-being is
inversely and largely correlated with anxiety and stress thus with high psychological well-being there
could be great propensity of lower anxiety and stress. Explanations for these findings, conclusions
and recommendations were discussed.
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