
HomeLPU - Laguna Journal of Business and Accountancyvol. 4 no. 2 (2022)

Corporate Social Responsibility and Hyundai Company’s Success

Evangelyn G Peñamora | Marie Bea Louise P Rioveros | Trisha Denice Robles | Ma. Anna Corina G Kagaoan

Discipline: Sociology



Corporate social responsibility have a significant impact on financial success. Corporate social responsibility is related to marketing management as it uses holistic marketing approach under all aspects of its marketing strategy. Factors taken into viewpoint included (environment conservation, labor practices, and philanthropy) were the basis to measure the employees’ perception on corporate social responsibility towards Hyundai San Pablo’s success. The population for this study consisted of 50 employees to know the perception on corporate social responsibility, corporate performance, and its effects on success. The majority of the respondents are female, ages 28-34 years old and a college graduate. The result shows that most of the respondents got the monthly salary of ? 10,000.00 - ? 15,999.00 and majority of the respondents were from Sales Department. It indicated in the results that there is a significant difference on the respondents’ perception on corporate social responsibility in terms of environmental conservation, labor practices and philanthropy towards Hyundai San Pablo’s success when grouped according to age. 35 years old and above place a higher appreciation and a greater focus on corporate social responsibility in terms of environmental conservation, labor practices, and philanthropy. There is a significant relationship between the respondents’ perception on the corporate social responsibility and their perception on corporate performance. It further explains that there is a moderately high relationship between the two variables.


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