Educators’ Perception of Technology Integration in the Classroom: Basis for the Development of Action Plan
Rosemarie D Obispo
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study explores educators’ perceptions of technology integration
in the classroom as a basis for an action plan. Investigating teaching
strategies, computer technology experience, confidence in integration,
and technology’s impact on learning, the research also assesses university
support in terms of resources and professional development. Using
a descriptive-correlational method with a survey questionnaire, the
findings indicate strong agreement (average weighted mean of 3.71) with
technology integration and university support (average weighted mean of
3.35). The study establishes a significant relationship between educators’
perceptions of integration and university support. Educators emphasize
the need for ongoing professional development through webinars and
workshops. The study recommends regular sessions to enhance ICT skills,
addressing specific needs and empowering educators. This research serves
as a valuable foundation for a comprehensive action plan in educational
institutions, guiding future initiatives for effective technology integration.
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