Transformational Leadership, Cultural Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, and Productivity among Higher Education Faculty: A Structural Model
Venus G. Apdian | Nenita I. Prado
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study aimed to assess the productivity of
higher education faculty by developing a structural
model incorporating predetermined factors such
as transformational leadership exhibited by
academic heads, the faculty’s cultural intelligence,
and self-efficacy. After undergoing scientific
validation and reliability tests, this study utilized
questionnaires in a descriptive-correlational and
causal-comparative research design. Data were
gathered from 500 higher education faculty in
Northern Mindanao, Philippines. The results
revealed a high level of productivity among
higher education faculty, particularly in producing instructional tools, engaging
in professional development and community service, and a moderately productive level in research and publication. Remarkably, academic heads demonstrated
an excellent display of transformational leadership. Higher education faculty
exhibited high levels of cultural intelligence and self-efficacy. This implies that
the academic head’s exemplary display of transformational leadership highlights
a commendable commitment to inspiring positive change and fostering growth
within the academic setting. Simultaneously, the Higher Education Faculty
exhibits remarkable levels of cultural intelligence and self-efficacy, showcasing
their proficiency in navigating diverse cultural landscapes and their confidence in
their capabilities. Ultimately, the structural model revealed that the productivity
of higher education faculty is best explained by the influence of academic heads’
transformational leadership, coupled with faculty cultural intelligence and selfefficacy. This model is known as Apdian’s Model of Productivity Among Faculty
in State Universities.
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