
HomeiCONNECT Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 1 no. 2 (2024)

Understanding Students’ Attrition Behavior In A Philippine Private Higher Education Institution: Basis For An Intervention Plan

Jonalyn Irish Bernardino | Anna Fernandez | Wendelyn Molera | Ma. Michelle Mensenares | Ma. Czarina Simbulan

Discipline: Education



The pandemic COVID-19 pandemic had an enormous impact in the educational sector across the different countries and nations. In the Philippines, the students’ attrition had significantly increased during the peak of the pandemic despite the efforts of Philippine educational institutions and agencies. In this inquiry, the researchers examined the students' attrition behavior from a Philippine private higher education institution. To do so, a qualitative-documentary analysis approach was adapted for 2019 to 2022. Results showed that academic, financial, and personal were the common reasons for temporarily discontinuation of students in a private educational institution. More so, the majority of the students in their second year of completing their course related to design and the arts tend to discontinue their studies.


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