Tribal-Based Environmental Awareness for Contextualizing Indigenous People Education (IPED) Learners’ Grade 10 Science Lessons
Kristalene Joy Sanchez-Urtil | Editha De Jesus
Discipline: Social Science
This study aimed to determine indigenous environmental awareness and identify the behavioral
practices of conceptual integration in demonstrating actions in terms of biodiversity conservation,
forest management, and solid waste management; it also attempted to contextualize and evaluate the
IDEA lesson exemplar in Grade 10 science lessons. This employed the descriptive multimethod of
research that made use of modified and adapted questionnaires and unstructured interviews. The
participants were the 20 indigenous people who were representing their tribes. It is determined that
the Indigenous people of General Nakar, Quezon, are highly aware in terms of biodiversity
conservation, forest management and solid waste management. It is also observed in their behavioral
practices that are rooted in their Indigenous Knowledge, system, and practices. The localized and
contextualized lesson exemplar is ready for acceptability test and further validation. However, it is
recommended that the local government and other agencies must ensure that laws about
environmental protection and conservation are being implemented and provide more assistance (e.g.,
seminars and training, financial assistance in agriculture, and the like) not only to the Tagalog but
also to Indigenous people. Curriculum planners may include programs to support the teaching and
learning of biodiversity conservation, including forest and solid waste management.
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