Teachers’ Core Competencies and Performance in a DepEd High School
Lordelyn Piquero
Discipline: Education
The descriptive-correlational research aimed at determining the levels of teachers’ core competencies
as stipulated in the Annex F of DepEd Order (D.O.) 2, series of 2015 in relation to their obtained
IPCRF score representing their performance. A total of 30 teachers by quota sampling technique
served as respondents for school year 2019-2020 from Monkayo National High School, Poblacion,
Monkayo, Davao de Oro, Philippines. A standardized questionnaire adopted from the aforesaid
DepEd Order was used in gathering the data from the respondents. Mean and Pearson r were used to
analyze and interpret the data. After a thorough analyses of the data gathered it was found that the
aspects of teachers’ competencies such as self- management and professionalism and ethics were
rated very high competency by the respondents while high competency to the rest of the aspects. A
rating of very satisfactory performance was obtained from their IPCRF. Result focus competency is
significantly related to their performance. This means that despite the very commendable and high
rating of the teachers’ core competencies and their corresponding performance not all identified
competencies can greatly affect and are directly related to their obtained performance at school.
Thus, it is recommended that the administration should look into this consideration to strengthen the
areas needing potential back-up.
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