
HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 1 (2023)

Burnout and Attitude Towards Physical Activity of Public Junior High School Teachers: Basis for an Intervention Plan

Phillip John Relacion

Discipline: Psychology



The study determined the relationship between burnout and attitude towards physical activity of public junior high school teachers as basis for an intervention plan. This quantitative study employed descriptive-correlation design utilizing adapted questionnaires to gather data. Mean, standard deviation, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and linear regression were the statistical tools used to treat the data. The findings revealed that the level of burnout among the public junior high teachers was rated low. Moreover, the level of attitude towards physical activity was rated high. Further, there was a significant relationship between burnout and attitude towards physical activity of public junior high school teachers. Among the three domains, only depersonalization had a significant influence on the attitude towards physical activity of the public junior high school teachers. Furthermore, an intervention plan for teachers was formulated.


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