The Need To Belong And Parasocial Relationship Among Young Adults With Absentee Parents
Musramar Abdurajik | Hind Jacaria | Wasima Mohammad
Discipline: Psychology
This study aimed to analyze the parasocial relationship that can built between the media and its viewers specifically
those young adults with absentee parents. This study utilized the quantitative approach and focused on the correlational
research design. This study has its total of 30 young adults respondents from Western Mindanao State University
between 18-40 years of age. Moreover, the Multidimensional Measure of Para-social Relationships (MMPR) is being
employed to measure how the respondents perceived the media figures. The results showed that in a group mean of
3.28, it can be interpreted that the respondents have high engagement in the affective dimension of parasocial
relationship while on the behavioral dimension, it has a lower engagement with the total average mean of 2.42. On
the cognitive dimension, the young adults with absentee parents has its strong engagement with a total mean of 3.13
and on the decisional dimension, it has a total mean score of 3.07 which interpreted as a high level of engagement.
Therefore, this study concludes that the young adults with absentee parents is much engaged in para-social
relationships in all different dimensions.
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