HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 9 (2024)

Parental Involvement on the Academic Performance of Grade 8 Students in Baras National High School

Elimar  Ocampo

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to determine the extent of parental involvement in the academic performance of Grade 8 students in Baras National High School. This was conducted in Baras National High School, Baras, Rizal. The respondents of the study were the parents and 32 teachers of 200 Grade 8 students in Baras National High School. A researcher-made questionnaire-checklist was used as the main instrument in gathering the needed data on the extent of parental involvement with respect to attendance at school related activities, family and emotional support, and parent-teacher contact.Documentary analysis was used to evaluate the average grades of Grade 8 students in all academic subjects. The study revealed that as perceived by parents, with regards to attendance in school-related activities, the composite mean obtained is 3.66 interpreted Often while on the perception of the teacher-respondents, the composite mean obtained is 3.30 interpreted Sometimes. With regards to family and emotional support, as perceived by the two groups of respondents, the overall weighted is 3.57 and 3.29, respectively interpreted Often and Sometimes. With regards to parent-teacher contact, as perceived by the two groups of respondents, the overall weighted mean is 3.80 and 3.65 both Often. There is no significant difference between the perception of the two groups of respondents on the extent of parental involvement with respect to attendance in school activities and family and emotional support. Majority of the Grade 8 students obtained average grades below 85 percent. There is no significant relationship between the parental involvement and academic performance of students. However, academic performance of grade 8 students is associated by their parents’ involvement in their education. The study concluded that parents have enough time in attending the school-related activities. Parental involvement does not differ significantly on the perception of the two groups of respondents on the academic performance of the Grade 8 students. Grade 8 students of Baras National High School have low academic performance. Parental involvement has no significant relationship on the academic performance of Grade 8 students. It was recommended that school administrator should obtain related guides and parent involvement materials such as training manuals, most consist of detailed plans, strategies, and suggestions for program implementation. Ongoing staff development should be given importance as teachers engage parents and community leaders. Further study of the relationship and importance assigned to parent involvement programs. The proposed plan of action on parental involvement to enhance students' academic performance should be implemented through Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meetings. Similar studies using other aspects may be conducted.


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