Collaborative Leadership and Quality of Work Life of School Heads in Davao Region
Saturnino E Dalagan Jr
Discipline: Education
Collaborative leadership is expected in an educational system and work
environment. However, school heads missed to cater the concerns of leadership
skills which is crucial to sustain quality of work life. This study aimed to determine
the level of collaborative leadership and quality of work life of elementary school
heads of Region XI, Philippines. The results were projected to improve the body
of knowledge and resources available for deepening the quality of work life
of school heads. The study employed descriptive-correlation survey method
through the use of Product-Moment correlation. The respondents of the study
were composed of 340 elementary teachers. The results revealed that the level
of collaborative leadership and quality of work life of school heads of Region XI
were high. The study proved that collaborative leadership and quality of work
life of school heads in Region XI were significant and positively related, indicating
that the collaborative leadership of school heads were considered significant in
promoting quality of work life. It is strongly recommended that school heads
play an imperative role and apply collaborative leadership skills to increase the
level of happiness a person derives for his career, thus, promoting a congenial
environment at the work place.
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