Factors affecting the intentions to implement a no plastic policy in Cotabato City, Philippines
Katherine G. Suminguit | Rhea B. Piguing | Harris B. Lumogdang | Aprelle Ann P. Torio | Christine V. Acuna | John Paul A. Catipay | Peter Jan D. de Ver
Plastic materials are one of the contributors to
environmental problems. The detrimental effects of plastic
pollution on the environment and human health are well
established. Currently, the Philippines has been considered
one of the countries which have high plastic loads which are
mostly mismanaged. Although several measures and policies
were already laid down, however, these were not properly
implemented. Thus, determining the factors that may affect the
proper implementation of pro-environmental policies is very
important to mitigate the effects of plastic pollution. In this study,
the factors affecting the intentions to implement the no-plastic
policy among the junior high school students at Notre Dame
University, Cotabato City were investigated. This study applies
the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and employs Structural
Equation Model (SEM) to determine the factors affecting the
intentions to implement a no-plastic policy. A total of 210
students were randomly surveyed in this study. Results showed
that attitude (ATT) and subjective norms (SN) were found to
have no significant direct effect on implementing the no-plastic
policy. School administrators and policymakers should come up
with plans and programs that may boost the students’ attitudes
and subjective norms to improve their intention to implement a
no-plastic policy. Conduct further studies that widen the target
respondents such as tertiary students to validate the results of
this study.
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