Comparative Analysis of Quality Assurance Practices in Selected Car Manufacturing Companies in Metro Manila
Krisha Vee Alcazaren
Discipline: others in business and management
This research focuses on the comparative analysis of the quality assurance practices of selected car manufacturing companies in Metro Manila, Philippines.
This research examined and analyzed the level of implementation of ten quality assurance constructs among the selected car manufacturing companies, namely: top
management commitment, supplier quality management, continuous improvement,
product innovation, benchmarking, employee involvement, reward and recognition,
education and training, customer focus and product quality. In addition, the level of
significance of the quality assurance practices of car manufacturing companies was
In order to obtain data and create a strategic action plan for car manufacturing companies, the researcher adopted a quantitative approach that is aided by a qualitative
analysis. Several research methods were performed to arrive at conclusions and
recommendations. These involved the development of a survey questionnaire for
quality department employees and an interview questionnaire for quality managers.
Response-based content analysis was used for the qualitative data; while a weighted
mean score system was used for the quantitative data. The data analysis helped confirm the factors under study and contributed to the formulation of strategic recommendations for each car manufacturing company.
Confidentiality was maintained to protect the privacy of participating car manufacturing companies and quality department employees.
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