HomeManagement Reviewvol. 5 no. 1 (2019)

An Assessment of Service Quality and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in After-Sales Services of Real Estate Buyers in Metro Manila

James K. I. Sison

Discipline: business studies



The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of after-sales service quality on customer satisfaction of real estate buyers in Metro Manila. A survey questionnaire which covered the service quality dimensions (reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness) and customer satisfaction was utilized. The researcher gathered 309 survey and 7 interview responses for the study. Results showed that respondents are “moderate” and “moderately satisfied” for real estate after-sales services. Also, all service quality dimensions had a positive correlation with customer satisfaction. Lastly, reliability and empathy showed a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. This study provides awareness to real estate developers on the impact of after-sales service quality in increasing customer satisfaction of property buyers. Also, through this study, the Metro Manila’s property developers would be able to assess their level of after-sales service quality, to gain insights to improving the quality of services provided to raise the levels of customer satisfaction of property buyers.


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