Self-efficacy and academic performance of Intermediate Pupils at CatSU Laboratory Schools under the blended learning approach
Sarah Jane G Triumfante
Discipline: Education
This study sought to determine the level of self-efficacy and academic
performance of intermediate pupils at the Catanduanes State Uuniversity
Laboratory Schools under blended learning approach. It employed the
descriptive-correlational method of research, utilizing the questionnaire as the
main data gathering instrument. General weighted average for the previous
school year was used to determine the academic performance of the pupils.
There were 92 intermediate pupils involved in the study. The study revealed that
(1) the majority of the respondents are female, 28 are in Grade 4, and 32 are in
Grades 5 and 6, (2) the academic performance of the pupils is very satisfactory,
(3) the level of self-efficacy of the pupils is generally high, (4) there is a moderate
relationship between self-efficacy and academic performance of the pupils, and
(5) there is no significant difference in self-efficacy and the academic
performance among the pupils in terms of sex and grade level. The study
recommended that (1) faculty members should embed to the learners the
strategy instruction in each areas of learning, (2) faculty members should also
set high and clear expectations for a quality work, (3) parents must create at
home an atmosphere where their children would feel that they are supported,
and (4) the school administration can provide e-classrooms, interactive
classrooms, and a variety of learning resources that will cater holistic
development and develop full potentials among learners.
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