Teacher Noticing: Exploring The Nexus Between Effective Implementation and Academic Performance of Basic 12 Students in Geometry in Builsa South District
Suglo Kabinaa Enoch
Teachers' noticing, the act of observing, interpreting, and attending to students during
lessons, has garnered significant attention in recent educational research. It is widely
believed that a teacher's ability to effectively notice and respond to students can
profoundly impact their learning outcomes and academic achievements. This study
delved into the correlation between the implementation of effective noticing practices
and the academic performance of 12th-grade students in geometry. Conducted as a
quantitative descriptive research endeavor, the study encompassed a population of 360
individuals, with a sample size of 186 students selected through a simple random
sampling technique. Data collection involved a questionnaire survey and a Geometry
Achievement Test, with analysis carried out using SPSS's descriptive tools and a simple
linear regression model. The findings of the study revealed a statistically significant
relationship (p = .019) between the successful implementation of noticing in teaching
and students' academic success in geometry. As a result, the study recommended that
educators hone their noticing skills during geometry and mathematics lessons to
optimize student learning and academic performance. By emphasizing the importance
of effective noticing in teaching, educators can create a more engaging and supportive
learning environment that fosters student success in geometry and beyond.
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