HomeUniversal Journal of Educational Researchvol. 3 no. 2 (2024)

Effectiveness of 5E Instructional Model Implementation in Mathematics Education: A Case Study of Two Selected Advanced Level Public Secondary Schools in Gasabo District, Rwanda

Onesme Niyibizi



This qualitative research study explored the effectiveness of implementing the 5E instructional model in mathematics education within the context of two selected advanced-level public secondary schools in Gasabo District, Rwanda. The 5E instructional model, comprising five phases: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate, has gained enhancement in mathematics education due to its studentcentered approach and potential to enhance conceptual understanding. Participants included two mathematics teachers and seventy-three senior six students from two selected schools. The study adopted a case study approach, utilizing interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis to gather data from mathematics teachers. The results of this qualitative study provided valuable insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of integrating the 5E instructional model into mathematics education in Rwandan public secondary schools. Also, the results contribute to the ongoing discourse on pedagogical practices and curriculum reform in the Rwandan educational system, with potential implications for improving mathematics education at the advanced level. Furthermore, the study offers recommendations for teacher training and support to enhance the successful implementation of the 5E model in mathematics classrooms.


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