HomeThe Paulinian Compassvol. 2 no. 4 (2013)


Jose Dagoc Jr.

Discipline: Social Science



This study determined the relationship between childrearing practices and demographic variables of parents as well as academic performances of pupils. A total of 204 parent-pupil tandem was purposively selected from two research locales, public and private elementary schools. The population was further categorized into academically high performing and academically low performing pupils with each group comprised of 102 members. The parent-respondents were asked to answer a survey questionnaire which determined their demographic profile and identified the method of childrearing they practice. Distribution of parent-respondents of respective high performing and low performing groups in terms of demographic profile are as follows: occupation – 50% and 47% employed; educational attainment – 46% and 29% college graduate; average monthly family income (highest frequency) – 33% (Php7,501-15,000) and 46% (Php2,501-7,500); and number of children (highest frequency, both 3-5 children) – 55% and 57%. Extent of identified childrearing practices of parent-respondents of academically high performing groups revealed very highly extensive practices in care giving (4.72) and forming values (4.62); highly extensive practices among observing rules (4.04), imposing discipline (4.38), rewarding-punishing (4.30); and moderately extensive practice in nutrition (3.44). On the part of the academically low performing group, except for the moderately extensive practice of childrearing related to nutrition (3.29), all the identified childrearing practices are being done in a highly extensive manner with mean average ranging from 3.63 to 4.46. Correlational statistics revealed a significant relationship between childrearing practices and demographic profile of parent-respondents along educational attainment (r = 0.521), income (r = 0.408) and number of children (r = -0.252); likewise significant relationship between childrearing practices and academic performance of pupils belonging to academically low performing groups was observed (r = 0.527). No significant relationship was established between childrearing practice high performing groups. In conclusion, variation in childrearing practices is due to differences in educational attainment of parents, monthly family income and number of children in the family. Further, due to established self-efficacy values of academically high performing groups, only the academic performances of low performing groups are affected by the type of childrearing practices. Forwarded recommendations focused on creation of programs both on the school and government levels, for responsible parenting intensification.