HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 3 no. 1 (2024)

Emotional Intelligence, Time Management Skills, and Perceived Stress Level of Students During the Post-Pandemic Transition in Education

Philip H. Brillo | Jengkie G. Magno | Arman P. Nuezca

Discipline: Psychology



This study generally aims to determine the time management skills, emotional intelligence, and perceived stress level of students during the post-pandemic transition in education and find out the correlation between these measured variables. A descriptive-correlational research design was used. Data were gathered from seventy-five (75) students through survey questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as the mean and range, and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). The result of the study revealed that the students have average emotional intelligence, high time management skills, anda moderate perceived stress level. Furthermore, the correlational analysis showed that there is a significant and negative correlation existing between students’ perceived stress level and emotional intelligence at the 0.05 level, andthe correlation between students’ perceived stress level and time management skills is negative but insignificant at the 0.05 level. It indicates that high emotional intelligence is associated with a low stress level. Thus, students’ average emotional intelligence moderated their perceived stress level during thepost-pandemic transition in education. The overall result encourages school administrations and institutions to hold development workshops and seminars that may result in a general overall improvement in students’ emotional intelligence, time management skills, and stress coping mechanisms.


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