HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 3 no. 1 (2024)

Factors Influencing Youth Career Degree Choices in Bukidnon: A Study of Senior High School Students' Preferences and Motivations

Anecil S. Quijano-Pagutayao

Discipline: Education



The study sought to describe the influences on youth career degree choices in Bukidnon. Specifically, this study aimed to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of senior high school students, assess the influences on the students' decision-making in choosing a degree, and identify the reasons that might attract students to enroll in an agricultural university. The data were gathered through a survey questionnaire conducted personally with 383 Grade 12 senior high school students in the Department of Education, District of Bukidnon. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews were also employed. Descriptive statistical tools such as mean, rank, percentage, and frequency counts were used. The findings of the study reveal that the participants' parents' primary source of income was farming. Distance from home to the tertiary education institution and general cost were the main considerations in choosing a school to apply to. More than half of the participants were not willing to enroll in an agriculture degree. They preferred to enroll in education and related courses, with their families influencing their degree choices. The following were the main considerations in choosing a degree: helping their families, earning a higher income, pursuing a degree they are interested in, and obtaining prestigious jobs. The factors that could hinder or motivate them to engage in farming include the availability of land, financial support, and the potential for a higher income.


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