Unveiling the Confidence of Criminology Practitioners: Delving on Research Knowledge and Attitude
Jennifer M. Nayoyos-Refugia | Wilfredo D. Dalugdog | Alrien F. Dausan | Elizabeth Buena Villa
Discipline: Education
This study aims to investigate the level of confidence among criminology
practitioners in their research knowledge and attitudes towards research. By examining both aspects, the study seeks to understand how
these factors influence overall confidence in engaging with and applying
research findings. Furthermore, this descriptive study explores whether
there is a significant difference between practitioners' confidence levels
related to their research knowledge and their attitudes towards research.
Understanding these dynamics is crucial for enhancing the integration of
research into criminology practice, thereby improving the effectiveness
of interventions and policies. The study utilized a descriptive design having 128 qualified respondents using purposive sampling that answered
the self-made questionnaire. Result shows that among the practitioner,
academicians have higher level of confidence in terms of research
knowledge and attitude. There is a significant difference between the
level of confidence relative to research knowledge and attitude. Likewise,
the research knowledge of the criminology practitioners has positive relationship among the scope of practice. Hence, the findings suggest that
in order to improve the research culture within the field of criminology,
a professional development plan might be created to address and cater
to all criminology practitioners within the discipline, with guidelines
based on the scope of practice under RA 11131.
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