An Achievement Test in Mathematics in the Modern World Course: The Standardization Process
Jericho Y. Baybayan | Michelle R. Lacia
Discipline: education and teaching
This study aimed to construct and standardize an achievement test in
Mathematics in the Modern World (MMW) course. Achievement test
evaluates a student’s performance after a given period of instruction. Using the instrumentation research design, the data were gathered among
273 tertiary students of Notre Dame University enrolled during the second semester of Academic Year 2020-2021. Among these, 38 pilot tested
and 213 tested the reliability of the instrument. This study further utilized the following: a 4-point Likert scale for the validation of the instrument, difficulty value and discrimination index formulas for the analysis
of each item, and KR20 reliability for internal consistency. Furthermore,
a test manual for the MMW achievement test was also established. The
preliminary total number of Items before MMW teachers’ validation was
42 items covering the topics for the first 12 hours of the MMW Syllabus.
These items were validated through Aiken’s Item Validity method which
resulted in the acceptance of 42 items. After rigorous processes, it resulted in the acceptance of 34 items for the MMW achievement test. The
instrument’s average validity is 0.935, and the reliability is 0.701 which
means that this tool has high validity and acceptable reliability.
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