Perceived Attributes Towards Development of Muslim Heritage Tourism in the Municipality of Sofronio Española: Basis for Action Plan
Ivan P. Angeles | Judy Ann V. Sarail
Discipline: Cultural Studies
This research explores the potential of Muslim heritage tourism in Sofronio Española, Palawan, as a driver of economic growth and cultural
exchange. The study investigates residents' perceived attributes towards this tourism development, focusing on socio-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects. A descriptive correlational design
was employed, surveying 381 residents across nine barangays using
stratified random sampling. The findings indicate a high level of
agreement among residents on the positive socio-cultural impact of
preserving Muslim heritage sites, the economic benefits of tourism related income and job creation, and the necessity of sustainable environmental practices. The demographic profile revealed a predominance of females (61.2%), a youthful population with 60% aged 18-
27, and a high level of educational attainment, with 48.6% having attended college. Despite these insights, statistical analysis showed no
significant correlation between demographic factors (age, length of
residency, educational attainment) and perceived attributes, suggesting widespread support for tourism development across different demographic segments. The study concludes that while demographic
factors do not significantly influence perceptions, the overall positive
outlook on Muslim heritage tourism highlights its potential for fostering sustainable development. Recommendations include enhancing
community engagement, supporting local entrepreneurship, implementing sustainable tourism practices, and developing a comprehensive tourism action plan. These strategies aim to capitalize on the rich
cultural and natural assets of Sofronio Española, promoting it as a
premier destination for Muslim heritage tourism. This research provides a foundational understanding that can guide policymakers and
stakeholders in creating effective tourism development initiatives
that benefit both residents and visitors.
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