
HomeJournal of Business Innovation and Managementvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Marketing Strategies, Innovative Practices, and Challenges of Green Practices on Selected Hotels In Tagaytay City

Kristan Jay C. Lanzaga

Discipline: Marketing



This study looked into the constructs of the marketing strategies, innovative practices and challenges of green practices on selected hotels This research aimed to determine determining the marketing strategies, innovative practices and challenges of green practices on selected hotels in Tagaytay City This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to describe the level and correlate the said variables of the study. A sample size of 110 managers on selected hotels was selected through random sampling from the total number of managers on selected hotels in Tagaytay City. A survey instrument that was modified and adopted from prior studies was employed after being validated by the experts and was tested for its reliability using Cronbach’s alpha measure of internal consistency. The findings revealed that the hotels showcase a dedication to enhancing guest satisfaction and bolstering the establishment's reputation. They achieve this by cultivating a robust online presence through a meticulously crafted website and actively participating in digital marketing initiatives. Additionally, the hotels collaborate with influential social media personalities, such as travel bloggers or social media influencers, who hold substantial followings and wield significant influence in the travel industry. Tailored advertising campaigns are then created to resonate with the unique needs and preferences of these influencers. The hotel has successfully incorporated innovative practices. They excels in practices related to services labeling, demonstrates effectiveness in advertising strategies, and maintains a commendable level of service value. The challenges associated with Green Practices were attributed to the time lag before significant financial benefits can be realized from sustainability initiatives, often requiring several years. The upfront investments in energy-efficient technologies, waste management systems, and eco-friendly infrastructure contribute to this delay. The commitment to allocating resources and dedicating staff for the regular monitoring and updating of sustainability initiatives further underscores the substantial effort involved. The more the selected hotels utilize marketing strategies, the better their innovative practices in terms of their service value. Meanwhile, services labeling and advertising do not depend on marketing strategies. The challenges encountered in green practices of selected hotels do not depend on their marketing strategies. The challenges encountered in green practices of selected hotels do not depend on their innovative practices in terms of services labeling, advertising and service value.


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