
HomeJournal of Business Innovation and Managementvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Cohort Survival and Retention Rates among International Tourism and Hospitality Management Students A.Y. 2019-2021

Thalia Joanna T. Ficcas | Angelica Rose A. Regana | Jirah C. Tenorio | Madel S. Untalan | Vee Jay C. Dalisay



The research conducted is a comprehensive examination of cohort survival and retention rates among students enrolled in the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. The central goal of the researchers is to gain nuanced insights into the trajectories of individuals sharing common characteristics or belonging to specific groups over a designated period as they navigate diverse life phases. Employing a mixed methods approach, the study meticulously analyzed enrollment records to uncover correlations between cohort survival and retention rates. The results uncovered that both the BSHM Batch 2020-2024 and BSTM Batch 2019- 2023 exhibited higher cohort survival rates. The former was attributed to the successful implementation of advanced online teaching strategies, while the latter demonstrated increased resilience. Notably, both programs showcased excellent retention rates in their later years, signifying students' unwavering commitment to their academic journey and underscoring their recognition of the substantial value of time and effort invested in the pursuit of graduation. The study also identified key factors influencing cohort survival and retention, including financial challenges, academic pressure, peer pressure, and a lack of family support within the dynamic field of tourism and hospitality management. Building on these findings, the researchers proposed an innovative intervention termed the PADAYON Student Support Program. PADAYON, encapsulating PA - Paying the Future Forward, DA - Direct, Discern, and Advise, YO - You are One of Us, and N - Nurturing Homes, Where Hearts Are, serves as a holistic framework aimed at assisting students and proactively mitigating program discontinuation. This intervention seeks to address the identified challenges systematically, offering targeted support to enhance the overall educational experience for students within the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. The PADAYON program stands as a testament to the commitment to fostering an environment that nurtures student success and cultivates resilience in the face of challenges.


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