Teaching in Tumultuous Times: Unraveling Teachers’ Experiences amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Roselle M. Soriano | Helen Asio | Analyn D. Almoite | Kristine A. Dela Cruz | Emma D. Aspiras
Discipline: materials technology
Teachers are the most significant assets in any educational institution. They serve
as an avenue for conveying knowledge, skills, and values to students. They play a
vital role in reforming and strengthening the education system of any country. However,
education in the new normal requires numerous adaptations, as teachers were
unprepared when the pandemic struck. This qualitative study sought to discover the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) from teachers’ lived experiences
in teaching during the pandemic. A total of 28 participants were involved,
who had first-hand experiences of teaching tertiary level in the new normal in a university.
The qualitative phenomenological research design was used in this study.
Thus, teaching in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic provided teachers’ deficiencies
in some course delivery; however, they worked diligently to transform and
demonstrate resilience in teaching in the new normal amidst pandemics, converting
them into strengths and opportunities. On the other hand, instructors’ and professors’
strengths should be recognized, and professional development opportunities should
be provided to help them become more competent educators.
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