The influence of e-commerce adoption on the success of MSMEs in Empat Lawang Regency in the Covid-19 pandemic
Revita Desi Hertin
Discipline: business and management
Technological developments in today's modern era are increasing and
spreading widely in society. This also has an impact on the business world
in Indonesia, especially on how to purchase from conventional/direct
purchases to online purchases using social media platforms and ecommerce platforms in Indonesia. This should be in line with the
marketing strategy for business people in regions in Indonesia. A new
marketing strategy must be carried out by business players in the
industrial 4.0 era, the large number of competitors encourages all business
players to provide new breakthroughs in the buying and selling process,
including marketing products/services on e-commerce platforms and
social media market places. Features in e-commerce such as lower prices,
review features that make it easy to see product quality, and more
complete product descriptions make it the right platform for buyers who
want to buy goods online where activities occur more effectively and
efficiently. This study aims to examine the influence of e-commerce in
the progress of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in
Empat Lawang Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using several
variables, namely accessibility, price, and quality of goods, they are
included in a questionnaire distributed to MSME actors in Empat Lawang
Regency. The results of this study indicate that all variables in this study
have a positive effect on sales at UKMK in Empat Lawang and show the
importance of using new methods in sales. In future research, it is
expected to be able to add several variables to see the relationship with
sales using e-commerce.
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ISSN 2799-0648 (Online)
ISSN 2799-063X (Print)