Frelita O. Bartolome | Liriolyn B. Pacursa
Discipline: Linguistics
For an extensive period of time, the vast majority of tertiary educators
have expressed apprehension regarding multilingualism. Further investigation
and analysis are required to ascertain the extent of this problem, encompassing
both the benefits and drawbacks it may have on the academic performance of
tertiary students. This descriptive comparative study utilized questionnaire to
compare the differences in the instructors' perceived advantages and
disadvantages in implementing multilingualism based on their age, teaching
experience, subject taught, and current employment.
The study revealed that the majority of faculty's perceived advantages when utilizing multilingual instruction have a qualitative description of "very"
acknowledging the positive effect of using multilingual instruction in the
classroom. On the other hand, the respondents' perceptions on the extent of
disadvantages associated with multilingual teaching had a mean value of 3.417
and a qualitative description of "moderate" suggesting that there were also some
disadvantages noted though its advantages were more notable .Finally, when
respondents are grouped by age, teaching experience, educational attainment,
and subject taught, the findings indicate that the extent of perceived advantages
and disadvantages of multilingual teaching implementation do not vary by any
of the given profile variables such as age, teaching experience, educational
attainment, subject taught, and current employment. These results imply that
the perceived advantages of the implementation of multilingual education are not
substantially affected by the demographic profile of the respondents.
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