
HomePCS Reviewvol. 16 no. 1 (2024)

Don’t Get Ads, Get Even: The Effects of Prior Experiences with Targeted SNS Advertisements on Young Filipino Facebook Users’ Intention to Self- disclose Information through Clicks on Facebook

Antonette Macey D. Alvarez | Reena Bianca M. Co | Karylle Gray de Castro | Sophia A. Fernandez | Laura Sofia H. Perilla

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



The ambiguous processes of Social Networking Sites (SNSs), particularly Facebook, in personalizing targeted advertisements have caused privacy concerns. With the youth being Facebook’s primary advertising audience in the Philippines, the study inquired how their privacy considerations impacted their interactions with targeted advertisements. This was guided by integrating the study’s variables into Petronio’s (2002) Communication Privacy Management Theory. Accordingly, the study theorized that young Filipino Facebook users’ prior experiences with targeted advertisements on SNSs—namely Negative Prior Experiences (NPE) and Positive Prior Experiences (PPE)—affect their online privacy disposition composed of General Privacy Concerns (GPC) with SNSs and Institutional Trust (IT) in Facebook as a data-collecting firm. The study then conceptualized that the shifts in privacy disposition would influence Click-Through Intention in targeted advertisements on Facebook. Thus, the study utilized secondary data from a one-shot online survey administered to a volunteer sample of 789 young Filipino Facebook users who had encountered at least one targeted advertisement on Facebook. Both types of prior experiences were discovered to influence privacy disposition, albeit NPE was more impactful on both GPC and IT. However, there were differences in the associations between privacy disposition and Click-Through Intention between the two groups of respondents. Those who have clicked on targeted advertisements before intend to click again regardless of GPCs and with motivation of their IT, while those who have not will only click due to their GPCs but may click due to their IT. Thus, the study shows that those with more experience with targeted advertisements on Facebook are more likely to find personalization useful. Moreover, they are more likely to have perceived trust-building cues for Facebook, similar to collectivists, who provide insight into Filipino privacy orientation. Hence, this study offers a snapshot of young Filipino Facebook users’ targeted advertisement engagement and demonstrates their need for privacy management education.


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