WVSU’s Physical Activity for Health and Fitness and the Global Action Plan for Physical Activity
Eva Rose G Malones
PATHFit or Physical Activity for Health and Fitness is a new program designed by CHED for tertiary level physical education. The unique features of this program lie along its standards for (1) active and healthy living that is characterized by progressively intensifying student’s physical activity and (2) advocacy and action plan where college students are encouraged to share their learning to their community. Both standards express CHED’s support of the Global Action Plan for Physical Activity (GAPPA) initiated by the WHO in 2018 to reduce physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle by 15% before the year 2030. The purpose of this paper is to look into the 2-year trial implementation of PATHFit at West Visayas State University (WVSU) to investigate on the curriculum practices that were used to deliver the new PE program and see how these practices aligned with CHED’s standards and outcomes in order to contribute to the GAPPA. Results revealed that the new program ushered in a new era of teaching PE. The blending of PATHFit standards with the university’s hallmarks resulted in the delivery of kinesthetic intelligence, intensified physical fitness, nurturance of creative minds, awareness of health and social responsibilities, student independent learning, and empowerment of student leaders. This kind of physical literacy supports attributes of lifelong independent learning and real life experiences for future engagement to recreation to lower sedentary lifestyle that sets GAPPA in progress.
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