
HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 4 (2024)

Integrating Sustainable Agriculture in Teaching Mathematics: Development of a Project- based Learning Prototype

Leonor Roann De Amor G Labarca | Sweet Christine G Capin | Elmer Javel Jr | Marvin Valentin | Ivy Lyt S Abina | Orville J Evardo Jr.

Discipline: Education



This developmental study seeks to develop a Project-Based learning prototype that integrates sustainable agriculture in teaching mathematics. Data was gathered through the in-depth interviews using the developed semi-structured questionnaire. The study used the Clarke and Braun thematic analysis to analyze the data collected. The researchers found the following themes: Profitability of Aquaponics, Requisite for Computational Skills, Integration of Aquaponics in Teaching Unit Conversion, and Promoting Competencies through Self-discovery as Elements in Crafting Teaching-Learning Package for Sustainable Agriculture. Based on the result, the researchers developed a Project-Based Learning Prototype that integrates Sustainable Agriculture in teaching mathematics at the grade 7 level. It has been concluded that the proposed teaching-learning prototype should promote competencies through self-discovery, that is, using real-life situations rather than hypothetical ones to engage students in meaningful projects, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and prepare them for future work and careers. Further, it is recommended that future research may investigate the effectiveness and implementation of the developed teaching-learning prototype. Also, school administrators should ensure educators have access to adequate resources, training, and help to implement aquaponics education effectively.


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