The Impact of School Leadership on Parental Involvement: A Systematic Review of Literature
Jennifer T Jutara | Leonora F. De Jesus
Discipline: Education
This study aims to determine the impact of school leadership on parental involvement
through a systematic literature review. Turney (2023) defines a systematic review as a
method that employs consistent procedures to locate, select, and synthesize all relevant
evidence to address specific research questions, while clearly describing the methods
used to reach conclusions. The major findings from the review indicate that
communication, creative partnerships (school-community relationships), openness, and a
positive attitude, as well as a clear vision for the school, are crucial factors of school
leadership influencing parental involvement. Effective communication ensures that
parents are well-informed about school activities, policies, and their children's progress.
Creative partnerships, which foster strong school-community relationships, significantly
engage parents and make them feel an integral part of the school community. An openness
and positive attitude from school leaders create a welcoming environment for parents,
encouraging their active participation. Additionally, having a clear vision for the school
aligns the efforts of parents and school leaders toward common goals. In conclusion, the
impact of school leadership on parental involvement is profound. Communication and
creative partnerships are essential for fostering a supportive and engaged parent
community, ultimately contributing to improved student outcomes. When parents are
actively involved, students are more likely to succeed academically and socially. Therefore,
school leaders must prioritize strategies that enhance parental involvement to create a
thriving educational environment. This study underscores the impact of school leadership
in building strong relationships with parents, ultimately benefiting the entire school
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