E- readiness and E- satisfaction of Pre- service ESL Teachers: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method Study
Nathale Jane C Ecunas | Era Maeh N Espada | Khif Muamar M. Miranda
Discipline: Education
This study assessed the e-readiness and e-satisfaction of pre-service ESL teachers at
Davao de Oro State College, focusing on how well they are prepared for and satisfied with
online learning environments. A mixed method design was employed, using an explanatory
sequential approach. Data were initially collected through a stratified random sample of
80 out of 110 fourth-year English students via an adaptive survey questionnaire, followed
by virtual interviews with eight purposively selected participants. The findings revealed that
pre-service ESL teachers exhibit moderate e-readiness, indicating a reasonable proficiency
in integrating technology into their teaching. This readiness positively influenced their esatisfaction,
as a significant correlation was found between the two variables. Teachers
with higher e-readiness showed greater satisfaction with online learning. The study
identified the need for enhancing digital preparedness among pre-service ESL teachers.
Recommendations were made for educational institutions to provide comprehensive
pedagogical and technological training, as well as strong support systems, to equip future
educators for both online and face-to-face teaching environments.
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