Exploring the Writing Proficiency among Student Paper Writers in Secondary Schools of Kapalong: A Convergent Parallel Approach
Rhuyeth Anne G Manatad | Jonelson C. Escandallo
Discipline: Education
The study aimed to explore the writing proficiency among the student paper writers in
secondary schools in the Kapalong. This study engaged mixed method design, utilizing
convergent parallel approach. The participants of the study were the student paper writers
in different secondary schools in the municipality of Kapalong. There were 100 student
paper writers who were randomly selected for quantitative data and 14 student paper
writers for the qualitative data which has been selected purposely. In the quantitative
phase, the results revealed that the student paper writers are proficient in writing are very
high. Moreover, it was revealed in the qualitative phase that the experiences and insights
of the student paper writers with regards to their writing proficiency were impacted by
different factors which are classified as understanding and addressing writer's block, the
impact of vocabulary deficiency on writing proficiency, challenges in ensuring source
accuracy and credibility, audience-centered writing for enhanced relevance and
engagement, the impact of grammar on communication and effectiveness in writing, the
impact of having accurate information delivery, the role of feedback in enhancing writing
proficiency and professional preparedness, the impact of regular reading on enhancing
writing proficiency, the impact of regular practice in developing writing proficiency, and the
importance of hope in sustaining writing proficiency and growth. Furthermore, the results
show that the quantitative findings mostly corroborated with the qualitative findings.
Therefore, the results indicate that the student paper writers in the municipality of
Kapalong are proficient in writing.
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