HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 4 (2024)

Inside a Makeshift Classroom: The Chronicles of Neophyte Teachers

Mary Grace S Tantiado | Jodelle John A Enriquez

Discipline: Education



The purpose of the study is to explore the hidden stories of neophyte teachers regarding on teaching inside a makeshift classroom. In this study, fourteen neophyte teachers that are involved in the process, and it used a qualitative research design on a phenomenological approach which aims to have a better understanding of the in-depth analysis of the experiences. Key findings of this research study revealed several challenges that the neophyte teachers had faced, including uncomfortable students in the classroom, makeshift classroom is not conducive for learning, language barriers towards the teacher and the students, and difficulty in managing the class. In response to the challenges, six main themes emerged: being optimistic, employing different classroom strategies, applying different techniques in teaching students, asking help and support from parents or other stakeholders, learning through observing what the other teachers do, and seeking advice from one’s co-teachers. Reflecting on their experiences, the participants shared valuable insights with regards to teaching and handling students inside a makeshift classroom including: embrace work rather than dwell on the hardships, teachers need to cultivate innovation in the teaching and learning process, explore and localize strategies to widen students’ knowledge, and persist through the difficulty of teaching. In conclusion, the study revealed that the participants had a variety of experiences, such as uncomfortable students in the classroom, classroom is not conducive for learning, lack of enough resources and facilities, language barriers towards the teacher and the students, and difficulty in managing the class.


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