
HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 12 (2024)

The Community-Based Monitoring System of Philippine Statistics Authori-ty in North Cotabato: Basis for A Pre-Deployment Training Program

Kareen Calibayan Cagasan

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This study provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the vi-tal role of enumerators in the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) in North Cotabato, Philippines. The research aims to shed light on the responsibilities, challenges, and impacts faced by enumerators during the data collection process, as well as to propose evidence-based strategies for improving their performance and the accuracy of data collection. The CBMS is a crucial system for collect-ing disaggregated data necessary for evidence-based decision-making and targeted development programs. However, there needs to be more literature regarding the specific challenges and roles of enumerators in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the monitoring process. By addressing this gap, this study strives to enhance the effectiveness and reliability of the CBMS. Drawing from interna-tional, national, and local contexts, this research provides insights into the importance of enumerators' roles based on experiences from other countries implementing similar systems. It discusses the potential biases and errors enumerators may encounter during data collection. It emphasizes the need for community collaboration and support to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the col-lected data. Furthermore, the study highlights the significance of un-derstanding enumerators' roles in identifying poverty hotspots, tracking changes in poverty levels, and devising targeted interventions to address the root causes of poverty. By bridging the gap in the literature, this research aims to contribute to a better under-standing of the enumerator's role and offer valuable insights for fu-ture research and the development of strategies and training pro-grams to improve the CBMS.


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