HomeThe PCMC Journalvol. 18 no. 1 (2022)

Knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) towards COVID-19 among medical residents of a tertiary hospital in the Philippines during the covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey. chronic kidney disease pediatric patients: a randomized controlled study

Mii Anne B Tibus | Cecilia O Gan

Discipline: medicine by specialism



OBJECTIVE. In this study, the KAP were determined among all medical residents in a tertiary hospital in the Philippines during the pandemic. METHODS. Questionnaires were completed by the medical residents which contained 14 questions on clinical characteristics and prevention of COVID 19. Assessments on attitudes and practices included questions on confidence in winning against COVID19 and wearing masks when going out. RESULTS. Among the 63 participants, 90.4% were female, 92 % were single and 69.8% younger than 30 years old. The overall correct rate of the knowledge questionnaire was 85.8%. Most did not have confidence (63.5%) on winning the battle against COVID-19 and most had not visited any crowded place (58.7%) and wore masks when going out (95.2%). Logistic regression analysis showed a significant correlation of knowledge scores and practice rates on going to crowded places (OR 1.72, CI (1.02-2.91) P<0.05). CONCLUSION. The medical residents had good knowledge scores on clinical presentation, transmission and prevention control measures on COVID-19. Although attitude rates were poor, practice rates on COVID-19 were good. Furthermore, knowledge on COVID-19 resulted to good practices on not going to crowded places and wearing masks before leaving their houses.


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