HomeNRCP Research Journalvol. 23 no. 2 (2024)

Exploring Community Support for Sustainable Tourism Governance at Lake Balinsasayao and Lake Danao

Kafferine Yamagishi | Lanndon Ocampo

Discipline: environmental sciences



The Philippines has numerous lakes that hold significant potential for ecotourism development. These lakes are excellent alternatives to the country’s predominant sun, sea, and sand tourism. Tourism fuels sustainable development by generating income, reducing poverty, and enhancing livelihoods, particularly in the rural and isolated communities. Active resident support facilitates this, which drives culturally, environmentally, and economically beneficial initiatives. However, prominent works on community support for the sustainable development of lake tourism in the Philippines are limited. To address the gap, this work intends to provide a better understanding of resident satisfaction with sustainable lake tourism development and its influence their support for such initiatives. This work intends to (1) characterize the residents in sustainable lake tourism sites, (2) assess the link between the perceived positive and negative impact of tourism on residents with their satisfaction, (3) examine the correlation link between satisfaction with community involvement, community attachment, and with resident support to sustainable lake tourism development, and (4) examine the relationships using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. The findings indicate that the perceived positive impacts of tourism are associated with residents’ satisfaction, while perceived negative impacts are negatively linked with their satisfaction. Furthermore, satisfaction is linked with community involvement and community attachment. Residents’ satisfaction and involvement in the community are associated with their support for sustainable lake tourism development. However, resident attachment to the community is found to have no direct link with their support for sustainable lake tourism development. This work offers theoretical and policy insights to enhance residents’ support for sustainable tourism development in lakes, and the stakeholders could design strategies that align with community interests and concerns.


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