Differentiated Instruction as A Strategy in Teaching Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person (IPHP) for Grade 11 Students
Rubell M. Macaraeg | Lorna L. Acuavera
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
The research study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of differentiated instruction as a strategy in teaching Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person (IHLP) of one hundred sixty-nine (169) students. The researcher followed a prescribed lesson plan and focused on one objective to meet the expected competency using the students Multiple Intelligences in dividing each class into small groups best suited the study.
The study utilized a quantitative research method with a descriptive design to assess the effectiveness of differentiated instruction. To deter-mine the performance of the respondents on the pre-test and post-test us-ing the differentiated instruction, quasi-experimental design is utilized to establish a causal relationship between an independent variable, the differ-entiated instruction and the dependent variable which is the students’ performance. T-Test and ANOVA is used to identify the significant differences between the pre-test, post-test, and demographic profile.
The findings of the study revealed that majority of student-respondents are female adolescents, belong to a middle-income class family, are body/kinestic, logic/math, and music styled-learners. The students per-formed very satisfactory during pre-test. Differentiated instruction as an intervention strategy was applied to tailor instruction to the learning needs of students based on the Pre-test scores and the students performed very satisfactory during post-test. The ANOVA computation revealed a significant difference between the performance of students during pre-test and post-test. However, no significant difference in the pre-test scores of stu-dents when grouped according to sex, age, family monthly income and learning style. A significant difference in the post-test scores of students when grouped according to sex was established. The proposed enhance-ment to intervention strategies aimed for a differentiated output.
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