A Meta-Analysis of Salary Benchmarking of Engineers, BIM Modelers, and BIM Managers in the Philippines
Bennegreg P. Siman
Discipline: others in computing
This study provides a detailed meta-analysis of salaries for engineers, BIM modelers, and BIM managers in the Philippines, emphasizing how geo-graphical location, experience level, industry sector, qualifications, and market trends influence compensation. The analysis incorporates data from a variety of sources, including academic publications, industry re-ports, and government statistics, to provide a detailed understanding of sal-ary variations within different professions. Findings show significant salary differences based on their geographical location. Professionals in Metro Manila have considerably larger wages than those in provincial regions. Ex-perience level is also important when it comes to salary increases which can be observed when professionals advance from entry-level to senior roles. Salary levels are also influenced by the industry, with technology, building, and infrastructure development sectors offering highest compen-sation. Additional qualifications and certificates enhance salary opportuni-ties, reflecting the value of particular skills and expertise. The purpose of this study is to write a meta-analysis of salary benchmarks for BIM model-ers, engineers, and BIM managers in the Philippines emphasizing how fac-tors such as geographical location, experience level, industry sector, quali-fications, and market trends influence compensation. The analysis includes seven studies that were published between 2019 and 2024 to capture re-cent salary patterns in these professions. The study shows the importance of understanding these important variables in developing successful com-pensation methods, optimizing talent acquisition, and promoting retention in the engineering and construction sectors in the Philippines. The insights provided are expected to allow stakeholders to make informed decisions to build a competitive and thriving workforce in these critical industries.
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