HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 3 no. 2 (2025)

School Heads’ Level of Performance in School Improvement Planning Journey: Basis for Enhanced Leadership and Management Program

Florabel P. Mutia

Discipline: Education



The school improvement plan encompasses the development of activities to help schools reach the goal of providing access to quality education. Embarking on this initiative, this study aimed to determine the level of performance of select school heads in Dinagat Islands in their journey to developing and crafting school improvement plans. The mixed-methods research design was utilized with frequency, percentage, and weighted mean. The study revealed that most school heads are at the elementary level, aged 31 to 40, and have 6 to 10 years as school heads deployed primarily in small schools, under Head Teacher positions, and with very satisfactory performance. Results revealed that school heads are classified under the Basic Level as having fair performance, with a partial understanding of the guidelines for crafting a school improvement plan. They are also categorized as Emerging school heads who fully implemented school interventions to address key result areas, thereby having a very high level of implementation in their school improvement plan. There are drawbacks and gains in crafting the enhanced school improvement plan based on supporting documents presented, adherence to policies, assessing priority improvement areas, developing projects, and alignment to key result areas. It is further recommended that with additional profile, the school heads may be upskilled with strategic planning by revisiting guidelines stipulated under DepEd Order 44 s, 2015, along with Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads indicated in DepEd Order No. 24 s, 2020, and aligned with access, quality, governance, equity, well- being and resiliency.


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