A Tracer Study on the Employability of BSEDMathematics Graduates of Negros Oriental State University - Guihulngan City Campus
Joel T. Ubat | Cheramae Sapotalo | Jessica Ann Sta. Ana | Janeth Dela Cruz | Junrey Escuadro | Jojie Mae Gabunilas
Discipline: Economics
This study aimed to determine the employability of BSED-Mathematics Graduates from 2017-2022 in Negros Oriental State University-Guihulngan City Campus. One hundred out of One hundred thirty-two (or 75.8%) graduates of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics participated in this study. A Self-made and validated questionnaire was used as a survey instrument through Google form. A Descriptive research design was used to trace the employability and employment status of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics from 2017-2022. There were 39 male respondents and 61 female respondents. Out of the 100 respondents, 82% of the graduates have employed and 18 percent were not employed. Then 46% were working with permanent status while 36% percent were Contractual/Job Order or Casual. The data also showed that only 44% were teachers while 43% were not in teaching jobs. It is recommended that (1) students should not just depend on the lessons they have learned in college but also seek further discoveries and information that is applicable in the chosen field of work, (2) graduates may advance for further studies to have an edge, (3) take risks and apply for a position related to your profession to gain experience.
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