Level of Medication Adherence Among Patients Undergoing SixMonth Anti- Tuberculosis Treatment in the Barangay BusBus Jolo, Sulu
Odzkhar H Hammaji | Mherhama M Abdulcadil | Alliah May C Hamsali | Faiza S Sappal
Discipline: healthcare science (non-specific)
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that most often affects the lungs. TB is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Male tuberculosis (TB) patients are more adherent than female patients. This study shows the findings on the level of adherence to a six-month anti-tuberculosis medication among known cases of Tuberculosis at Barangay Bus-Bus Jolo, Sulu. Among male and female, the level of adherence of male is higher than female, among all age gaps, the level of adherence of patients aged from 36-50 year-old gathered the highest results, among all listed educational attainment, the result showed that the patients under junior high school stage are the most adherent towards anti-tuberculosis treatment, among all listed monthly income class, the middle-class-income gathered the highest result, among all enumerated types of family structure, the result showed that the patients under nuclear family is the most adherent towards anti-tuberculosis treatment. Prescriber related factors greatly influenced the adherence to anti-TB regimen (M=4.98) which indicated very high level of adherence. Results of external factors is second to influenced the level of adherence with the result (M=4.68) which also indicated very high level of adherence. None the less, patient related factors slightly influenced the level of adherence with the result (M=4.22) which indicated high level of adherence. In the Rural Health Unit Jolo (RHU), the utilized study area, it showed a high level of medication adherence among patients undergoing six-month anti- tuberculosis treatment in Barangay Bus-Bus Jolo, Sulu.
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