HomeInternational Social Science Reviewvol. 10 no. 1 (2024)

Time Management and Academic Performance Among Business Administration Students of Sulu State College

Norenna U Sabtula-Sarahadil | Ben–Frazier U Sabtula

Discipline: Education



This study sought to determine the effects of time management on students’ academic performance in the Bachelor of Science of Business Administration at Sulu State College. It provided answers on the demographic profile of the respondents, level of time management of the respondents, extent of academic performance of the respondents, significant differences in the level of time management, extent of the respondents’ academic performance in terms of their profile, and a significant relationship between time management and academic performance. A descriptive research design was used in this study. This study was conducted at the Business Administration Department of Sulu State College. Two hundred respondents were selected using random sample sampling. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze Problem 1. Mean and standard deviation for Problems 2 and 3. The t-test and ANOVA were used for Problems 4 and 5, respectively. More than half of the respondents were 21 years old and above, 70% were elementary level, and earned an average monthly income of below P6,000. Respondents’ academic performance was either average or high. For time management, respondents were always self-motivated, frequently practiced self-behavior, always practiced time management towards studies, frequently had time towards family and friends, frequently experienced different stress factors, and frequently practiced coping strategies. The GPA of the respondents is average for SY:2018-2019 and 2020-2021, and high for SY: 2019-2020 and 2021-2022. Time management does not show the same difference in the extent of academic performance in terms of profile. There was a significant difference in the extent of academic performance in terms of profile, intelligence, and personality, with the exception of gender. There was a significant difference between the levels of time management and academic performance.


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