HomeThe Magusvol. 3 no. 1 (2012)

The Effect of e-Instruction in Teaching Introductory Computer Concepts at Arellano University, Main Campus

Zenaida Abalos | Al Santiago | Amelita Santos

Discipline: Education, Information Technology



This research determined the effect of using e-Instruction on strengthening student learning in higher education at Arellano University. The e-Instruction was done using e-learning modules in the Internet. This electronic mode of instruction for Introductory Computer Concepts was tried to students of Non-IT degree programs such as Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM), Tourism (BST), Psychology (BSPsych), Commerce (BSC), and Physical Therapy (BSPT). Three e-Instruction modules were developed covering Introduction to Operating System, Introduction to Word Processing, and Document Editing and Formatting Techniques. These modules were uploaded in the Internet via www.schoolrack.com. The pretest and post-test quasi experiment was used to assess the results of the tests. It showed an increase of scores from the traditional to e-instruction mode. The overall gain score was 27.78% increase. Whereas, the individual gain score results for the three quizzes are: 29.46% increase, 28.34% increase and 25.53% increase, respectively. The results clearly showed greater mean for post tests than the pretests. Therefore there was a significant positive effect in using the e-Instruction with the computed F-value of 12.55 that is greater than the ANOVA table value of .0001. This proves that e-instruction has positive actual effect on the student scores.