HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 1 no. 1 (2011)

Production And Marketing Of Low-Cost Dog Food Utilizing Fast Food And Restaurant Leftovers As Base Ingredients

Jemmie Ann A. Andrada | Chamber R. Bueser | Edward Ron G. Hadap | Richard R. San Juan

Discipline: Economics, Industrial Engineering, Business



The project proposed production and distribution of low-cost dog food utilizing segregated consumable portions of leftovers as the base ingredients. Pet food industry is a growing multi-billion dollar business industry dominated mostly by giant foreign corporations using pet food as an outlet for agricultural and meat packaging wastes. The presence of unutilized nutrient-rich portions from the leftovers obtained from restaurants and fast food chains offer opportunity to utilize these for consumption that is ‘below human grade.’ Rather than decompose and/or contribute to waste management problems, these materials can be substantially used as an inlet of pet food production. In this regard, the study focused on the opportunity of transforming chosen portions of leftover foods for income-generating production. This study specifically aimed to determine the feasibility of producing a more cost-attractive dog food using processed leftovers within the potential market.


The proposed project has the following long-range objectives: increase the profitability of Tiramo dog food in its first five years and to progress subsequently by market expansion to cover highly developed regions with larger consumer-base and extensive distribution channels; capture a sizeable market share by creating product variety and increasing consumer preferences; and improve operations for exporting and international market.


The study was considered acceptable and feasible based on a systematic study in marketing, technical, organizational and management, financial, socio-economic, and environmental aspect of the project.