HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 1 no. 1 (2011)

Production And Marketing Of Tsokolate Flux In Crema Café

Joella Marie B. Bedia | Chiara Ann E. Leviste | Melyca D. Molina

Discipline: Economics, Industrial Engineering, Business



The project is about the new blend of coffee beverage that would suit the taste of coffee drinkers. The proposed product is a combination of coffee, powdered chocolate, and powdered milk to produce such.

The study has a long-range objective of increasing the profit and sales of tsokolate flux within the market of the target locale and distribute the product nationwide.


The study proved that the proposed business is feasible by taking into account its marketing, technical, management, financial, socio-economic, and environmental aspects. Considering the project’s financial feasibility, for example, the project cost amounts to Php 29,262,468.00 for the first three months of operation. The cost of the product would be equally divided among the three business owners. Payback period is one year and four months. The accounting return on investment is 136.19% every year.